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Men Want Help With Aging, Too!

Nobody wants to face the effects of aging – not men, not women. That’s just one of the reasons the anti-aging industry is a fast growing, multi-billion dollar business. This growth is due, in large part, to the population of aging baby-boomers. It’s also due to a growing interest in looking younger. Women have always been fans of cosmetic treatments, but men are requesting injectable treatments and opting for cosmetic surgery in ever-growing numbers.
Men, here are a few basic things you can do to ease into aging, gracefully:
Have a basic skin-care routine.
Clean and moisturize. A gentle cleanser and a rich moisturizer will help you look younger. Dry skin exaggerates the signs of aging – so clean and soften your skin every day.
Hydrate. Water helps give your skin a more youthful appearance. Six to eight cups of water a day is suggested.
Use sunscreen. Over-exposure to the sun is cumulative and causes wrinkles and age spots that can easily give away your age.
Make smart choices.
leep. A good night’s sleep is crucial to how you look and feel. A lack of sleep can result in bags under your eyes that make you appear older. Most adults need seven to nine hours every night. Short naps are wonderful if you can sneak one in each day.
Eat. Eating a diet of fish, chicken, fruits, and vegetables with a moderate amount of carbs, will keep you healthy, young and fit.
Exercise. Daily exercise will help you maintain body tone, balance and flexibility – important considerations as you age. Men who are fit look and feel younger than those who are not. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart and also for your brain.
Smoke not. Smoking creates fine lines and wrinkles around your mouth and eyes. It also stains your teeth, dulls your skin and can cause serious health problems that rapidly age you.
Call to schedule a consultation appointment with one of our specialists and let us tell you about the many anti-aging cosmetic treatment options we offer – for men and women: (801) 277-7000.

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