Chemical Peels

What Is A Chemical Peel?

The passage of time isn’t kind to our skin, particularly on the face. Wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin blemishes become more apparent with each passing year. Many people who do not have the time and patience to undergo surgical procedures opt for chemical peels as a way to regain some youthfulness in their skin. In a chemical peel, a chemical solution is applied to the skin to exfoliate it. Once the top layer and its dead and damaged skin is removed, new, healthier cells replace them, presenting a smoother, more youthful appearance.

What Can Be Treated With Chemical Peels?

A chemical peel can treat fine lines around the mouth or under the eyes. It can be used to treat wrinkles caused by aging and sun exposure. Some chemical peels can effectively improve the appearance of acne scars and other mild scars. Peels also improve the appearance of age spots, melasma, freckles, and other blemishes.

Who Can Benefit From A Chemical Peel?

Patients who have fair skin and light hair are better candidates for the treatment. Those with a dark complexion may reap good results, but it depends upon their skin condition. Dark-skinned patients can wind up with uneven skin tone after a chemical peel.

Chemical peels are not effective on severe wrinkles, sagging skin, and bulges. These conditions are better suited to cosmetic surgical options such as a facelift, eyelid lift, brow lift, or tissue fillers.

What Can I Expect From A Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel can be done quickly in our office at Ageless Medical Spa. First, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed to prepare it for the procedure. Then one or more chemical solutions will be applied directly onto the skin. These chemical solutions include glycolic acid, salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid, or carbolic acid. They are applied to small areas on the skin, creating a controlled wound to trigger new skin cells to surface.

Most patients report feeling a burning sensation that lasts from five to 10 minutes, followed by a stinging sensation. A cool compress on the skin may ease that stinging.

What Can I Expect After My Chemical Peel Appointment?

You may have a feeling similar to having a sunburn after the procedure. Some peeling is likely, accompanied by redness. This is followed by scaling that could last for three to seven days. If you opt for a mild peel, you may need to have repeated sessions at intervals of one to four weeks until the desired effect is achieved. In the case of medium peels and deep peels, the patient will experience swelling and blistering on the area, which usually peels by itself after a week or two.

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M-F: 10am - 5:30pm
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